Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Writing alone v's writing with others

Remember how I said this writing lark was hard? Well it is! Today I am deciding if I want to continue to write alone or if I need some sort of gang to write with.

Pros to writing alone -

I don't have to worry about people stealing my ideas (I see you waiting to pounce, you lurker!)

I will not be judged.

I have no one to answer too (this is also a con!)

I can pretend to be brilliant all the time no one reads it!

The cons to writing alone -

I'm  not accountable to anyone.

I have no one to keep me on track.

I have no one to bounce ideas off of.

I have to keep myself motivated.

I have no feedback or advice.

I am free to procrastinate whenever I want!

Pros to writing in a gang -

Not being a weird loaner

Bouncing ideas off people

Giving and receiving constructive criticism

People sharing ideas

Being able to ask questions and helping others with their queries

Having someone to talk to when you have an idea and you are not sure if its genius or merely caffeine fulled insanity! (Come on, I know you have them too!)

Having someone to understand you.

Cons to writing in a gang -

I have found them to be very negative, like, I don't need to know about how horrendous your life is, this is a writing outlet!

People stealing ideas.

Meanness disguised as help!

Creative differences!

So there you have it, I'm sure there are a million more things I could have compiled to my lists but that gives you a brief idea of where I'm at. I think I will try and find a gang. Are you in one? Are they good? Or do you prefer to work alone?

Until next time......


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